Ahmed Nashaat Discusses Estate Planning and Beyond

Ahmed Nashaat: Get Your Estate and Finances in Order

2023-07-06_10-55-05According to Ahmed Nashaat, one of the most important things that people need to consider today is estate planning. Truly, there is a proper way to go about it since the reality of death is that it comes unannounced. Today, he shares some useful advice.

The first thing you must do, Ahmed Nashaat says, is understand the consequences of not having an estate plan.

You have to be sure that you are keenly aware of the events that ensue upon your death, should it come without you having an estate plan. Certain legally triggered outcomes happen due to your death, especially regarding the assets you own and whom or where this will be turned over. This means you might disagree with where your assets are headed. That said, the good thing about being alive to create an estate plan is to exercise control even in your death, notes Ahmed Nashaat.

Now that you have a good and clear idea of or know what you want to happen, it’s time to write down your estate plan.

You must account for everything you own and decide where each item should go and to whom.

The essence of an estate plan is that it is played out how you want it to. Ahmed Nashaat says this is created in the specifics of your will and the various accounts you hold.

Writing an estate plan has even helped people keep orderly documentation, which has helped them act on things early. For instance, if you don’t want your wayward child to inherit one of your promising businesses, you might decide that it’s better to sell this off to your already existing stockholders. As long as you live, an estate plan is something you can go back to, rewrite, and improve as you see fit.

Ahmed Nashaat: The Two Major Accountant Types

Which Accountant Do You Need? Ahmed Nashaat Answers

According to financial blogger Ahmed Nashaat, accounting may seem like a straightforward profession⁠. After all, it’s just crunching numbers.

Working with financial data is vital to the job, so accounting is a critical business function. It requires a lot more problem-solving than you may think. For example, accountants leverage assets. They also manage budgets and maximize investments. These are just some of the things accountants do.

Given all that, there’s no doubt that businesses need accountants.

Any business owner who disagrees is probably an accountant and will likely be handling the books. Some business owners manage the company’s finances themselves. However, most businesses don’t have that luxury.

As Ahmed Nashaat notes, there are two types of accountants. These are in-house and outsourced. Most probably, one of these two will fit best for your business.

In-house accountants allow business owners and businesses more control over their finances. The companies that most benefit from this have specific accounting objectives or goals. Also, in-house accountants are great for companies that need their employees to be part of their culture.

Hiring an in-house accountant also leads to easier collaboration with the finance department staff since they are always physically present. They are also easier to get in touch with if any issues arise.

Outsourcing an accountant, though, is preferred by many companies because they cost a lot less than in-house accountants. In addition, accountants who are outsourced aren’t part of the payroll. This means the company saves a lot more money altogether.

Ahmed Nashaat points out that outsourcing accountants have other important advantages and benefits. For example, there is minimal fraud risk if the accountant or accounting firm is good, reputable, and trustworthy.

Ahmed Nashaat: How to Make Money After Retirement

Make Money Post-Retirement with Ahmed Nashaat

According to Ahmed Nashaat, a Cairo-based blogger, retirement doesn’t mean you should or would remain stagnant, especially if you’re still in excellent health and want to start something new. You can turn your side interests into income.

Below, Ahmed Nashaat shares some helpful tips and advice on pursuing that entrepreneurial dream later in life.

Go for a low upfront investment. If you have little investment capital, a bad credit score, or little savings, secure your funds by starting a small business. Choose one with low upfront costs and use your knowledge, materials, and resources.

Stick to your hobbies and passion. Turn that one thing you love doing into a thriving home-based enterprise. Whether you love building scale model trains, playing tennis, painting, or cooking and baking, transform that hobby into a money-making machine.

Evaluate your skills. Be realistic. Ask yourself if you can do all the tasks required to make a business work and succeed. Make sure you’re passionate about it and capable of putting in the necessary hours and working, says Ahmed Nashaat.

Have a good exit strategy. Let’s say you started a business at 65. You may be ready to stop running it once you turn 75, so have a good plan. Decide whether you will sell it, shut it down, or leave it to your children if you have any who want to take it on.

Embrace change and technology. Ahmed Nashaat says that one of seniors’ biggest mistakes is refusing to learn about the newest technologies. Learn online commerce, the basics of digital marketing, social media, and other technical skills that can help your business soar. Accept that change will always exist, so embrace it and enjoy the adventure.

What other tips on business and income post-retirement can you give? Share them with Ahmed Nashaat in the comments section below.

Ahmed Nashaat Finance Insights: Stock Market Bubble

Ahmed Nashaat Examines the Stock Market Bubble

According to analysts, there is an imminent danger of a stock market bubble bursting. This is due to the overwhelming amount of stock market trades in recent years, explains financial blogger Ahmed Nashaat. As a result, more people should become aware of market crashes and what defines a bubble.

Ahmed Nashaat states these definitions are no longer lofty concepts that only “expert” investors should know. Instead, these real-world phenomena affect everyone, whether everyone realizes it.

Ahmed Nashaat describes a bubble as an investing phenomenon wherein investors place too much demand on a specific stock or set of stocks. Investors drive the price of these stocks beyond any reasonable or accurate thought. They do so to the point where it is no longer a good reflection of the company’s worth.

These bubbles initially seem to blow up forever. However, Ahmed Nashaat says that, as with a bubble, they’re insubstantial. They will eventually pop. The higher these bubbles rise, the more devastating the crash. It is typical to see market bubbles burst to dissipate millions of dollars.

Ahmed Nashaat points out that these bursts are called market crashes. Market crashes are significant drops in the total value of the entire market. These crashes create a situation of panic. Many investors often struggle to gain back their losses because of this.

Other market crashes involve very different reactions. However, the most general feeling is one of urgency. The panic that sets in usually leads to massive selling, which eventually causes even more crashes. In a domino effect, Ahmed Nashaat mentions that depression follows stock market crashes.

There are other nuances involved in either definition. These general outlooks should at least be understood, especially as the patterns for a stock market bubble are evidenced in current events.

What are your thoughts on the stock market bubble? Would you want to learn more?

Thank you for reading.

Ahmed Nashaat: Fintech’s Impact on World Finance

Ahmed Nashaat Discusses Fintech and Global Finance

Late in the first decade of the 21st century, the world experienced a financial crisis. It affected many financial institutions. Several large conglomerates closed down. People started pointing fingers. There were scapegoats. There were victims. There were also new things that emerged from the regression. According to Ahmed Nashaat, one of these things was fintech. Fintech is short for financial technology. It is recognized as a disruptor. It presents itself as an alternative source of financial management. Over the past decade, fintech has become an industry in its own right. There have been newly established fintech companies providing never-before-seen products and services. These products and services are much more affordable, quicker, and more accessible. Ahmed Nashaat mentions that fintech has performed as expected. There are times when it has even exceeded expectations. Fintech has profoundly affected traditional finance establishments such as banks and payment centers.

It also is no surprise that younger customers gravitated toward fintech companies and fintech in general. This is mainly because of the ease of transaction, which was mostly done on handheld devices. With highly developed software, fintech has evolved to offer streamlined services on several platforms. Today, it has all but eliminated the inconvenience of having to go to banks. That said, banks didn’t just roll over and die. Instead, thousands of banking corporations worldwide adopted several fintech features into their operations. Ahmed Nashaat mentions that banks have recognized the benefits of the new financial wave for both customers and businesses and banks. Examples of fintech include investment, personal finance, and mobile payment apps that make transactions easier. P2P lending platforms are also considered the fruit of fintech. However, Ahmed Nashaat says that the most talked-about fintech app would probably be cryptocurrency. Users can store, exchange, and pay for goods through crypto apps.

Ahmed Nashaat on Apps for Building Your Net Worth

According to Ahmed Nashaat, everybody wants to be financially stable. However, only a few set out to accomplish this goal. Aside from educating oneself, using financial management apps will allow a person to keep track of their income, budget, spending, and investments.

Ahmed Nashaat lists some nifty apps for this blog post to help you build your finances.


The app and the website are among the most popular choices for those who want to monitor their budget and investments. For better tracking, users can link their bank accounts and credit cards, which will be updated whenever there’s activity. What people will appreciate when using this app is that they can classify transactions, set reminders on bills, and even complete payments with help from the app.

Personal Capital

This is another popular app for those who want to build their net worth. While many apps focus on helping users track their budget, this app particularly helps keep track of assets and liabilities along with retirement funds, loans, and other financial transactions. 

Unlike other apps, Ahmed Nashaat says that investments are part of the projection letting a person have a clear view of how their financial health looks like.

YNAB (You Need A Budget)

Those with financial goals they want to accomplish might benefit from the YNAB app. Like other finance management apps, this can be linked to a person’s bank accounts and credit cards.

However, what makes this app different from the others is that it allows users to prioritize budgeting by valuing each dollar that they have. Aside from encouraging people to be mindful of their spending, it also allows them to look forward to achieving their personal finance goals.

What are some of the apps that you use to help you with your finances? What do you like about them?

Thank you for reading.

Ahmed Nashaat: Diversity in Financial Matters

Ahmed Nashaat: Why Diversity is Crucial in Finance

According to Ahmed Nashaat, for the industries of banking and finance, diversity is very important.

In general, diversity creates a better business and financial ecosystem. This makes the environment more adaptive, responsive, and resilient. Organizations that embrace diversity and inclusion have an advantage over those that don’t. They offer clients a lot of perspectives. It also means they have invaluable experiences.

Ahmed Nashaat says that the finance industry has seen a need for diversity. Clients are now looking for financial advisors with whom they can quickly identify.

Additionally, the way banking and finance companies handle recruitment processes is changing. There is a growing requirement for diversity and inclusion within organizations. Diverse workforces are tailored to specific groups of consumers. In fact, today, they are receiving more consideration than others, adds Ahmed Nashaat.

A diverse team of financial advisors is needed for clients with many different demands. Each member has their perspectives regarding issues. They also have unique skill sets to address client needs.

With diverse teams, Ahmed Nashaat says that banking and finance companies now have a larger pool of ideas to pull from and deliver to clients. Employers and leaders begin to see the advantages of maintaining diverse teams. They can relate better with their clients through mutual backgrounds. This enables them to become more efficient and effective. They can deliver services better. They can discern needs in more detail. They can develop innovative products more efficiently, Ahmed Nashaat adds.

What do you think of diversity in the workplace? Are you for or against it? If you’re for diversity, how can you further push it forward? If you’re not for it, why? Share your thoughts with Ahmed Nashaat in the comments section below.

Thank you for reading.

Ahmed Nashaat: A Discussion on Credit and Debt for SMEs

Ahmed Nashaat Offers Credit, Debt Information for SME Owners

The entrepreneurial mindset is an interesting thing to observe. This is especially true when talented individuals see opportunities on the horizon. To help them along their way, Ahmed Nashaat shares some SME considerations on credit and debt.

As an investor, you may be oozing with confidence at how your project or investment will perform in the market. However, you need to understand that the math has to make perfect sense. One of the most basic things you have to know is the maximum amount a creditor is willing to give you. This will be based on several factors.

First, Ahmed Nashaat says you need a bulletproof business plan that reflects sound financial data. Be wary of exaggerating your projections on returns on your investment. Never do this so you can get a nod from the bank to acquire the finances you need.

Ahmed Nashaat notes that financial institutions will take a look at factors like your payment history and credit utilization. They will also examine a company’s credit history length, credit mix, and new credit. This is why it would be wise for you to research these terms.

Most importantly, Ahmed Nashaat says you have to ensure that the amount you will loan is correct. Think of it as the amount that will realistically help you achieve profits and repayments for your project. Resist the temptation to loan a larger amount just because your credit rating allows you to do so.

If you do everything according to the right calculations, there is no reason for you not to prosper in your endeavor. However, mistakes in this line of business can be quite costly. Ahmed Nashaat says you don’t want to get too deep into debt.

Thank you for reading.

Funding Your Dream: Ahmed Nashaat Financing a Startup

Ahmed Nashaat’s Guide to Acquiring Funds for Startups

New companies face many struggles and challenges during their inception. They experience technical difficulties. They also have to deal with the lack of capital to start their new venture. According to Cairo-based finance blogger Ahmed Nashaat, when dealing with limited funding, it can be quite a challenge for startup owners to get through the early stages of development. 
Luckily for young dreamers, there are several ways to fund your dream, even if you don’t have a big bank account. In this blog post, Ahmed Nashaat shares three tried-and-tested ways of acquiring funding for a startup.

First, there is crowdfunding. Crowdfunding has become one of the most utilized and well-known sources of startup funding. Ahmed Nashaat says that it’s by far the most democratic option available. 

The concept is that instead of finding investors to fund your business, you ask the public. This way, it’s safer. Also, no one will lose any money if you don’t reach your goal.
Then, you can also opt to collect funding for contributions for goods and services.

Hardware startups mainly use this way. Owners look to get funding to manufacture their products. It’s a great alternative since it allows companies to acquire funds for their product while giving them something in return. 

Ahmed Nashaat explains that offering contributors the finished product is an excellent way to gain supporters. That said, it’s important to make sure the idea is sustainable. 
Finally, Ahmed Nashaat mentions taking out loans from family and friends.
This way of acquiring capital may seem a bit surprising. That said, it’s also a very popular option for startups. Taking out financial loans from your loved ones is a great way to get by, especially when you need the extra push. The people who care for you will most likely be more lenient, understanding, and forgiving when paying them back.

Ahmed Nashaat on Achieving Financial Security

Ahmed Nashaat Lists Tips to Secure Your Future


Do you want to be financially secure? Finance blogger Ahmed Nashaat says that financial security is something countless people aspire for, but only a few have achieved.

What is financial security? Basically, it is never having to worry about money. Expounding further, financial security is when people live without debt, have invested for retirement, and hold enough financial assets that can cover expenses and emergencies without the concern of running out.

There is possibly a long way to go before one can achieve financial security, but it is never too late to start. Discussed in this article are some tips on how to get there.

Prioritize getting over debt.

According to Ahmed Nashaat, your foremost wealth-building tool is your income. Unfortunately, when you are in debt, it steals your income. So, the first step you should take is to eliminate debt for good. That is not to say that you should pay off your obligations in one fell swoop. Start with the smallest debt while paying the minimum required payment on the others. Do this one by one until you are debt-free.

Treat savings deposits as a bill.


An essential part of achieving financial security is saving on a regular basis. But some find saving difficult because they are tempted to have or spend disposable cash. If you are among those who experience this, try viewing your retirement, investment, or savings deposits as you would a recurring expense to make it easier for you to build up your savings.

Invest a portion of your income.

As mentioned, financial security is achieved when you know that you will be financially well when you have reached retirement. For this reason, Ahmed Nashaat advises allotting a percentage of your income for investments that will pay dividends in the future. There are countless rules and details about investment, so it would be best for you to work with a trusted financial advisor or investment professional.

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